Kugelis (or, Tastiest Dinner in a Loooong Time)

Kugelis (or, Tastiest Dinner in a Loooong Time)

April 17, 2011. It's probably been eight to ten years since I last made kugelis, one of my favourite Lithuanian dishes. My previous attempts were not too successful, so that's probably why I haven't made it for so long. But today's kugelis was awesome, I must admit. And how can you really go wrong with potatoes, onions, bacon, and sour cream? Such an amazing comfort food, especially on a snowy/rainy "Spring" day. I also picked up some Švyturys Ekstra, the only Lithuanian beer available in Ontario, to wash it down.

Yes, I even baked a vegetarian version without bacon for Jen, and instead of the bacon and onion topping, I made a mushroom and onion topping for hers.

The whole house smells like bacon, potatoes, and onions now. Awesome. Already looking forward to breakfast and lunch. ;-)